Penjabaran - Kumpulan Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Terbaru - Kumpulan contoh procedure text berikut rata-rata ditulis dalam bentuk instruksi. Pemahaman terhadap jenis teks yang satu ini membutuhkan pengetahuan yang bagus terhadap imperative sentence (kalimat perintah). Contoh procedure text (complete collection of example in procedure text) will help us to get a better understanding on what a procedure text is and how it is structured.
A text which teach us on how to do some thing is best sample of a procedure text. A procedure text can be a an instruction on how to make food and beverage, making interesting things, planting, how to do list, manual guide, user guide product etc. See the following examples of procedure text.
How to use GPS in your phone
1. Slide to the navigation tab on the home screen, and tap any of the foru icons
2. Follow the onscreen prompts to subscribe
3. After loggin on to the service, tap back to continue
4. Touch the icon that best describe what you want to do; Drive to, Search, Maps and traffic, or Share and more
Cukup mudah bukan dalam memahami kalimat-kalimat imperative diatas? Untuk menambah pemahaman, baca 7 contoh procedure text berikut ini
Procedure text on how to make food and beverage
1. How to make meatball with generic structure
2. How to boil eggs
Procedure text on how to make interesting things / toys and business
1. How to make candle
2. How to make kite
3. How to write business letter
Procedure text on How to plant
1. How to plant chilies
Procedure text on technical instruction
1. How to installing SIM card into the mobile phone
Actually procedure and explanation text has similar function. Both are to explain how something is completely done. However they have different way to explain. If you want to know the difference between procedure and explanation texts, read the following post
The difference between procedure and explanation text
Additionally if you are not sure what and how a procedure text is arranged, read the following post
What is procedure text
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