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Contoh Report Text Pendek Panda: A Short Report Text

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Sebuah text report akan sangat mirip dengan text descriptive. However if we see to the participant, we will be able to identify whether it is a report or descriptive text

Contoh report text about panda

Panda in Short Report text 

Have you known panda? How are pandas look like? Well,pandas are mammal. It means that pandas bear live babies. They  feed the babies on milk.

Panda is like bear. their bodies are typical. It has two dominant colors, white and black. Panda's fur is seen dominantly in white or snowy. While the legs, ears, eyes, and also the muzzle are covered with black fur.

Formerly, panda lived in South and East China. It was also found in part of Myanmar and Vietnam. Today, panda is seen a lot in forest area in Sinchuan, Gangsu, and Shaanxi of China

Panda looks cute however it is actually a wild animal. It is like a bear. Because it has strength, panda potentially becomes a frightful animal.

Itulah contoh report text tentang binatang. Panda report text photo: Panda by Oopsilon in flickr
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